Malt Whisky Brands

About Malt Whisky Brands

Premium Malt Whisky Brands

malt whisky brandsMalt whisky brands to give you the best in malt whisky from top brands. Competitive pricing and a huge selection of rare whisky brands

Malt whisky is the ‘original’ whisky of Scotland. Malt whisky is made only from malted barley, in two (occasionally three) copper pot stills, by a batch process. ‘Single’ malt whisky is the product of an individual distillery.

Currently there are around 90 operating malt whisky distilleries in Scotland – it is difficult to be precise, since sometimes distilleries go out of production for periods, in order to balance stock levels. Single malts from a further 30-odd now closed distilleries may still be found.

Although made from very simple materials – malted barley, water and yeast – the make of each distillery has an individual character, owing to a variety of factors, such as the length of fermentation time, the style and size of the stills, and how they are operated, the type of condensers used and amount of spirit saved (called ‘the cut’).

The Whisky Exchange is one ot the leading suppliers of quality malt whisky in the UK. A fantastic selection of hand picked rare whiskies you will love. The Whisky Exchange is one of the most popular gift store brought to you by Shoppinsight, the top review site for online luxury stores.

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