High Quality CBD Oil 1000mg cbDNA

High Quality CBD Oil – 1000mg

We all contain an incredibly complex and important Endocannabinoid System in our body that helps to regulate the functions of our nervous and immune systems. Maintaining this system with CBD supplements is something that nearly everyone can benefit from.

cbDNA 1000MG CBD oil is enriched with additional Terpenes including Myrcene to compliment its CBD profile. The Terpene structure of cbDNA oils make them unique to the marketplace. Certified Vegan.

cbDNA bring the finest legal Cannabis products manufactured within the UK, to the UK and European market. 1000MG | High Quality CBD Oil

With High QUality CBD Oil You Can Maintain your wellbeing:

We all contain an incredibly complex and important Endocannabinoid System in our body that helps to regulate the functions of our nervous and immune systems. Maintaining this system with high quality CBD oil supplements is something that nearly everyone can benefit from.

cbDNA CBD oils contain a full array of cannabinoids including CBD, CBDA, CBN and CBG, also containing a large number of the Cannabis ‘Essential Oils’ – Terpenes.

Unique Terpene Profile:

Terpenes are ‘Essential Oils’ that live in the same glands as the cannabinoids (THC and CBD) called Trichomes. Terpenes are not exclusive to cannabis; they exist in every plant on Earth!

cbDNA 1000MG CBD oil is enriched with additional Terpenes including Myrcene to compliment its CBD profile. The Terpene structure of cbDNA CBD oils make them unique to the marketplace. Certified Vegan.

What is Myrcene?

Myrcene (or β-myrcene) is a Terpene that occurs often in highly fragrant plants and herbs such as mangoes, hops, bay laurel leaves, thyme, lemongrass, and basil. Anecdotal evidence suggest concentrations of Myrcene, which is naturally synergistic with THC, allows cannabinoids to more easily bridge the blood-brain barrier. This has been shown to accentuate or extend the effects of CBD oil.

Myrcene’s Effects & Benefits:

  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Analgesic (pain relief)
  • Antibiotic
  • Sedative
  • Antimutagenic (prevention of mutating bodily compounds)

Stringent Quality Control

cbDNA CBD oils undergo a stringent quality control system using the latest and greatest scientific and technological techniques. This thorough process produces a gorgeous, golden oil that contains high levels of high quality CBD oil with virtually zero THC.

In short this means no highs or drowsiness. Just a safe and legal supplement that you can incorporate into your daily rituals.
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